Structure of the JavaScript Language


The lexical structure of a programming language is essentially a set of rules that dictates how you should write your code in that language.

Think of it as the grammar and syntax that ensure your code is understood correctly by the computer. In this section, we’ll dive into some of the key aspects of JavaScript's lexical structure, such as case sensitivity, comments, literals, identifiers, reserved words, and even the optional use of semicolons.

JavaScript, for instance, is a case-sensitive language. This means that variableName and variablename would be considered two entirely different variables. Such nuances are important to keep in mind to avoid unexpected bugs. Another thing to note is that JavaScript is quite lenient when it comes to formatting; it completely ignores spaces and line breaks that appear between tokens in your programs, allowing you to structure your code in a way that’s easy to read without affecting its functionality.


In JavaScript, a literal is simply a fixed value you write directly into your code to represent data. It's one of the most straightforward ways to define values, making your code both readable and easy to understand.

For instance, when you type 42 into your code, you're using a number literal, which represents the numeric value 42. Similarly, "Hello, World!" is a string literal, representing a sequence of characters—in this case, the greeting "Hello, World!".

Literals also extend to other data types. A boolean literal, for example, can be either true or false, representing the two possible values of a boolean variable. Arrays, too, can be represented by literals, such as [1, 2, 3], which defines an array containing the numbers 1, 2, and 3. And when you need to define a more complex structure, you can use an object literal like { name: "Alice", age: 25 }, which represents an object with two properties: name and age.

Using literals in your code is an essential part of programming, allowing you to define and manipulate data with clarity and precision.

Identifies and Reserved Words

In JavaScript, an identifier is simply the name you give to variables, functions, classes, or other entities in your code. These names are essential because they allow you to refer back to those entities later on, making your code both readable and maintainable. For instance, in the statement const myName = 'John Snow';, the identifier myName is what you use to refer to the variable that holds the value 'John Snow'. Without identifiers, it would be nearly impossible to manage or reference data in your programs effectively.

However, JavaScript has its own set of identifiers that it reserves for specific purposes within the language. These reserved identifiers, known as reserved words, have special meanings and cannot be used by you for naming variables, labels, or functions. For example, words like function, return, and var are reserved because they are part of the core syntax of JavaScript.

Here's a comprehensive list of JavaScript's reserved words, which you must avoid using as identifiers: (don't sweat trying to memorize them by any means)

  • abstract
  • arguments
  • await*
  • boolean
  • break
  • byte
  • case
  • catch
  • char
  • class*
  • const*
  • continue
  • debugger
  • default
  • delete
  • do
  • double
  • else
  • enum*
  • eval
  • export*
  • extends*
  • false
  • final
  • finally
  • float
  • for
  • function
  • goto
  • if
  • implements
  • import*
  • in
  • instanceof
  • int
  • interface
  • let*
  • long
  • native
  • new
  • null
  • package
  • private
  • protected
  • public
  • return
  • short
  • static
  • super*
  • switch
  • synchronized
  • this
  • throw
  • throws
  • transient
  • true
  • try
  • typeof
  • var
  • void
  • volatile
  • while
  • with
  • yield

It’s worth noting that some reserved words have been removed from the ECMAScript 5 and 6 standards, meaning they are no longer reserved in modern JavaScript but were in the past. These include words like abstract, boolean, byte, char, double, final, float, goto, int, long, native, short, synchronized, throws, transient, and volatile. Remembering and respecting these reserved words is crucial in JavaScript programming, as using them incorrectly can lead to errors and unexpected behavior in your code.


JavaScript offers you two convenient ways to write comments in your code, helping you make notes or temporarily disable pieces of code without affecting the program's execution. The first method is the single-line comment, which is created using //. Everything that follows // on that line will be ignored by JavaScript. This is perfect for brief comments or quick notes right beside your code. For example, // This is a single-line comment shows how you can leave a short explanation or reminder that won’t interfere with the code’s functionality. For longer explanations or comments that span multiple lines, JavaScript provides the multi-line comment syntax. You can create these by placing your text between /* and */. Everything between these symbols will be ignored by the interpreter, allowing you to leave detailed notes or temporarily comment out sections of code. For instance:

/* This is a multi-line comment.
  It can cover multiple lines and is great 
  for more detailed explanations or 
  temporarily disabling code. */

Both types of comments are invaluable tools in keeping your code clear, organized, and easy to understand, whether for yourself or others who might read it later.

Optional Semicolons

In JavaScript, semicolons (;) play a crucial role in separating statements from one another, much like in many other programming languages. They help clarify where one statement ends and another begins, ensuring that the code’s meaning is explicit and unambiguous. Without semicolons, JavaScript might misinterpret where a statement ends, potentially leading to confusing or incorrect behavior in your code.

When you write statements on separate lines, or if the next token in your code is a closing bracket }, you can often omit the semicolon. This is because JavaScript can usually infer the end of a statement based on these contexts. However, developers typically adopt one of two styles regarding semicolons. One approach is to always explicitly mark the end of statements with semicolons, regardless of whether they're strictly necessary. The other style is to leave out semicolons unless they are essential for the code to compile correctly.

For example, if you write two statements on separate lines, like so:

let x = 5;
let y = 10;

The semicolon is not strictly required because JavaScript can understand that these are separate statements due to the line breaks. Conversely, when two statements are on the same line, such as:

let x = 5;
let y = 10;

You need the semicolon to clearly demarcate the end of each statement.

t’s important to note that JavaScript doesn’t always treat every line break as a semicolon. The language often relies on Automatic Semicolon Insertion (ASI) to decide when a semicolon is needed. JavaScript will only insert semicolons where it’s necessary to parse the code correctly, which means relying solely on line breaks can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior. Thus, while JavaScript can handle missing semicolons in many cases, being mindful of their placement can help avoid potential pitfalls and make your code more predictable and easier to maintain.

Study Style Notes

The lexical structure of a programming language refers to the set of rules that define the syntax and grammar for writing code. It ensures that code is correctly understood by the computer.

JavaScript's Key Aspects

  • Case Sensitivity: JavaScript is case-sensitive, meaning variables like variableName and variablename are considered different.
  • Whitespace: Spaces and line breaks are generally ignored by JavaScript, allowing flexible formatting without affecting code functionality.


A literal is a fixed value written directly in code to represent data.

Types of Literals

  • Number Literal: Represents numeric values (e.g., 42).
  • String Literal: Represents a sequence of characters (e.g., "Hello, World!").
  • Boolean Literal: Represents truth values (true or false).
  • Array Literal: Represents an array of values (e.g., [1, 2, 3]).
  • Object Literal: Represents an object with properties (e.g., { name: "Alice", age: 25 }).

Usage: Literals provide a straightforward way to define data in your code, improving readability and understanding.

Identifiers and Reserved Words


Names given to variables, functions, classes, or other entities in code. They are crucial for referencing and managing data.

Reserved Words

Specific words reserved by JavaScript for its syntax and cannot be used as identifiers (e.g., function, return, var).

Note: Some words were reserved in older versions of JavaScript (e.g., abstract, goto) but are no longer reserved in modern versions.


Comments are used to make notes or temporarily disable parts of code without affecting execution.

Types of Comments

  • Single-Line Comments: Created using //. Used for brief notes.
  • Multi-Line Comments: Created using /* ... */. Used for longer explanations or to temporarily disable code blocks.

Usage: Comments enhance code clarity, organization, and maintainability, especially for future reference or collaboration.

Optional Semicolons

Separate statements in JavaScript to clarify where one statement ends and another begins.

Optional Use

  • Line Breaks: Statements on separate lines can often omit semicolons due to JavaScript's ability to infer the end of a statement.
  • Explicit Semicolons: Some developers prefer to always use semicolons for clarity and to avoid ambiguity.

Automatic Semicolon Insertion (ASI)

JavaScript automatically inserts semicolons where needed for correct parsing.
Relying solely on ASI can lead to unexpected behavior; using semicolons consistently can prevent potential errors.

Best Practices: Being mindful of semicolon placement helps in writing more predictable and maintainable code.


Understanding the lexical structure of JavaScript is fundamental for writing clean, efficient, and error-free code. Mastery of literals, identifiers, reserved words, comments, and the use of semicolons contributes to better coding practices and prepares you for more advanced JavaScript concepts.