Exploring JavaScript Data Types

An Overview

JavaScript categorizes data into two primary types: primitive types and object types. Understanding the distinction between these two is crucial for mastering the language.

Primitive Types

Primitive types include numbers, strings, and booleans, which are the building blocks of most operations in JavaScript. Additionally, there are two special primitive values, null and undefined. Although they don't fall into the categories of numbers, strings, or booleans, each of these values is unique and belongs to its own specific type. With the introduction of ES6, another special-purpose primitive type called Symbol was added. Symbols enable developers to define language extensions without affecting backward compatibility, adding even more depth to JavaScript's type system.


In contrast, any value that is not a number, string, boolean, symbol, null, or undefined is considered an object in JavaScript. Objects in JavaScript are essentially collections of properties, where each property has a name and a corresponding value. An ordinary JavaScript object is an unordered collection of named values, making them versatile for a wide range of programming needs.

Arrays: A Special Kind of Object

Among these objects, JavaScript also defines a special kind called arrays. Unlike regular objects, arrays are ordered collections of numbered values, with special syntax and behavior that set them apart. For even seasoned developers, it can be challenging to think of arrays as objects, but grasping this concept is essential for fully understanding JavaScript's unique characteristics.

Functions and Classes as Objects

JavaScript's quirkiness doesn't stop there. Unlike more static languages, functions and classes in JavaScript are not just part of the syntax; they can also be used as values that can be manipulated. Because these function and class values are not primitives, they are classified as specialized objects. Understanding that functions and classes are also objects is key to unlocking the full potential of JavaScript and appreciating its flexibility.

Methods and Autoboxing

JavaScript supports an object-oriented programming style, which is evident in the way it handles methods. Instead of relying on globally defined functions to manipulate different types of values, JavaScript types define their own methods. Technically, only objects have methods in JavaScript, but even primitive values like numbers, strings, booleans, and symbols behave as if they have methods. This behavior is possible because JavaScript temporarily wraps these primitives in their corresponding object wrappers, allowing methods to be called on them (more on this on one of the more advanced belts later). The only exceptions to this rule are null and undefined, which cannot invoke methods.

const str = "hello";
const upperStr = str.toUpperCase(); // Autoboxing occurs here

console.log(upperStr); // Output: "HELLO"
console.log(typeof str); // Output: "string"

In this case:

A significant aspect of JavaScript is the mutability of its object types and the immutability of its primitive types. Values of mutable types, such as objects and arrays, can change over time—you can modify object properties or array elements in your code. On the other hand, primitive values like numbers, booleans, symbols, null, and undefined are immutable; once created, they cannot be altered. This distinction between mutable and immutable types is a fundamental concept in JavaScript, influencing how developers approach problem-solving and code design in this versatile language.

Study style notes

Two Main Categories

  • Primitive Types: Numbers, strings, booleans, null, undefined, Symbol (ES6)
  • Object Types: Everything else (arrays, functions, classes, etc.)

Primitive Types

  • Basic Primitives Numbers, strings, booleans
  • Special Primitives:
    • null and undefined: Unique types
    • Symbol: Unique identifier for language extensions.

Object Types

  • General: Collections of key-value pairs.
  • Arrays: Special objects, ordered collections with specific methods and behavior.

Functions & Classes

  • Functions/Classes as Objects: Treated as manipulable values.
  • Specialized Objects: Not primitives, but objects with specific roles.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Method-based Operations: Objects define methods, avoiding reliance on global functions.
  • Primitives with Methods:
    • Autoboxing: Temporarily wraps primitives in object form.
    • Exceptions: null and undefined (no methods).

Mutability vs. Immutability

  • Mutable: Objects and arrays (modifiable properties/elements).
  • Immutable: Primitive values (cannot be changed).